
Cirneco Dell 'Etna


Brief History
The Cirneco Dell’Etna is a dog of ancient origins that probably descends from hunting dogs that existed in Ancient Egypt, which were spread through the Mediterranean region by Phoenecian traders several centuries ago. This breed arose in Sicily, where there is evidence of them on coins and mosaics dating from several centuries before Christ, and he was considered an ancient, versatile and highly regarded hunting dog, used primarily to hunt rabbits in the nooks and crannies of rock faces and in particular the rocky terrain of the lava slopes of Mount Etna.

They are quite numerous internationally and arrived into Australia in 2020.

Average Life Span
When considering a dog please realise that you are taking it on for its lifetime.

The average life span is 12 to 14 years.

The Cirneco is strong willed, uncompromising, affectionate and alert, resolute and very attached to his owner.

General Breed Description
This is a good-looking medium sized primitive type of dog with an elegant and slender shape, who hunts rabbits and other small game, including birds, mainly by following a scent but also using his ears to listen for prey. He is nimble and surefooted, very quick and active, and an excellent companion.

Colours are of tan and chestnut hues.

Coat and Care Requirements
Coat on the body is about 2.5 cm long, and is dense, sleek and smooth fitting. A good weekly brush should keep it in good condition and a bath occasionally.

This breed should have a moderate amount of exercise.

Height: Males 46 to 50cms, Females 44 to 48cms.

Weight: Males 10 to 13kgs, Females 8 to 11kgs.

All breeds have individual health issues. When speaking to breeders it is recommended you enquire about breed’s health and what health testing the breeder does.

The Cirneco Dell’Etna is a very good family dog and/or sporting companion.

In Conclusion
Now you know a little more about this breed. If you have decided this is the dog for you and wish to investigate further, please contact the Breed Club or Dogs Victoria. They will be able to give you information about available puppies and also suggest dog events where you can see the breed and speak to breeders. In this way you will gain a better perspective of the breed and its needs. With any breed of dog, it is important to research and determine suitability for your lifestyle before committing to a puppy which will be a part of your family for many years to come.

Whilst many breeds are recommended for families, it is imperative that when children are with dogs they are supervised at all times. Basic obedience training is a vital part of dog ownership.

Dogs Victoria is about the responsible ownership of all dogs and in particular the preservation of pure breeds.

Link to Dogs Australia Breed Standard 


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